Exploring Schönbrunn Palace & Gardens In Vienna

On the outskirts of the centre of Vienna is Schönbrunn Palace, one of the city's most well known buildings. During my first afternoon in Vienna I spent hours walking through its beautiful gardens. With its amazing, brightly coloured flower beds and well kept lawns, the palace and grounds feel like a place taken straight out of a fairytale.

The gardens are free and open to the public. However, many of the attractions inside the park do have an admission fee, including Schönbrunn Zoo. Schönbrunn Zoo was founded in 1752, and is the oldest zoo in the world. It's even the home to several pandas, including two panda twins! 

After spending far too long cooing at pandas, we walked past Neptune Fountain and began making our way up the hill. The walk was definitely worth the incredible view of the palace once we'd reached the top! The palace and gardens are on the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites, and it's a sight not to be missed if you're visiting Vienna. On the top of the hill there's Gloriette, which was originally built as a war memorial but is now also used as a cafe.

There are also tours of the palace available. This isn't something I did, but there is the option of taking a Grand Tour where you can explore 40 of the rooms. You can use an audio guide, or opt for a guided tour. I can only imagine that all of the rooms are just as impressive as the outside of the building!
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